99 Roving St., Big City


Mon-Fri | 08:00 - 17:00


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5/15 Amp Charging Point
22KW AC Fast Charger
100KW DC Fast Chargers
Charging Station Management Software

Contact us to know more!

+91 9081908777



Electric Vehicle Charging Station

Phasellus leo metus, maximus ut risus a, dignissim ornare augue

At EVZEE, we provide a full range of EV charging solutions, from site management to AC and DC chargers. Our EV charging stations, which offer 94 percent power efficiency are suitable for usage at a variety of sites such workplaces, parking lots, roads, fleets, and residential areas to name a few

What makes us stand out?

We concentrate on developing an unmatched e-mobility infrastructure that focuses on more than just products as a top EV charging station maker in India. Our EV charging infrastructure solutions incorporate our extensive experience, highly effective software, and cutting-edge products for both domestic and commercial applications.

Charging Station Management

Our management services for EV charging stations include building and overseeing more intelligent, zero-emission e-mobility infrastructure. Our extensive knowledge of the development and administration of next-generation charging stations enables us to provide you with cleaner, greener energy to power your life. With EVZEE’s solutions, everything from installing electric vehicle charging stations to tracking power usage, charging patterns, and real-time charging status monitoring is made simple.

With a sleek and compact design, EVZEE’s AC charging solutions ensure optimum product life with the least amount of maintenance and a safe charging experience for EV drivers. We provide two kinds of AC Chargers, first is the 22KW Fast Charger which is IP54 certified and also has OCPP 1.6 Support. Secondly we have 5/15 A sockets for all type of compatible vehicles to get rid off range anxiety

The 100KW can provide up ample of kilometers of charge in an hour and was created with the future in mind. It is an industry-leading product, from its elegant plug-and-play design to its cutting-edge internal tech. Our DC Chargers come with a high efficiency of >95%.

We will help you setup your own charging station with the help of our expertise in providing the management and software tools.

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2500+ Charging Stations all over India

We have strategically located our charging stations right from tier-1 cities to tier-3 ones, so that you need not worry about.